Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hi all

Well I finally managed to work out how to make a photo small enough so it would actually upload onto the blogsite before I have my 80th birthday!!!!  The internet connection here is painfully slow!  Well Rob is still on his 3 day field trip but will be back this evening!  Yippee!  I can't wait and neither can the kids.  It has been so helpful having our friend Olivier here as he managed to find an 'adventure' park with some rides for the kids and a pool which they loved after being stuck at the hotel all week.  However last night we all crashed about 7.30pm (me at 8pm!!) only to be woken at 10pm by Brandon who had thrown up!  He had said that he feel sick when he went to bed but I thought it would pass.  Perhaps it was the cow intestines on a kebab he decided to try (why won't he try fruit then?!!!)  So after another session of vomiting and stripping the beds in the middle of the night he managed to stay asleep vomit free for the rest of the night.  I woke this morning feeling very seedy and am still feeling that way now despite the fact I did NOT have the intestines!  Who knows but I hope it passes soon!  I spoke to Rob on the phone yesterday and he is really seeing God networking and forming relationships particuarly in the area of Empower through a group called REACH.  These guys are all about helping bring healing and forgiveness and reconciliation through Christ which is no mean feat.  Imagine having to forgive and then live alongside someone who butchered your husband or wife, your children and took all your possessions.  These people have taught us much about forgiveness with the key being it is only really possible through Jesus.  He ultimately forgave us and reconciled us and asks us to do the same no matter how small or big the crime.  To be honest I question whether I could do it if in the same position.  It really tests your faith and relationship with Jesus.  But seeing the healing and freedom from a life of bitterness and misery helps to make sense of it all.  So if you have any unforgiveness no matter how small or how justified you are by what someone did, leave your worship at the alter and go and forgive that person then return and give your worship to the Lord.  You will be freed and experience a blessing from Jesus and an ability to love others like never before.  

Ok thats my sermon for this morning!!  We are missing you all and the comforts of home but realise that there's so much more to life than living in comfort while our brothers and sisters in Jesus are suffering.  Sorry I did say that was the end of my sermon didn't I?!!!!  We love receiving your encouraging emails and updates of news (has Adele had her baby yet?) and please continue to keep us in your prayers particularly for God's guidance and protection.

The weather has been mid twenties which is warm enough for the kids to swim in the pool (nope not me - didn't even bring my bathers which won't be a surprise to those of you who know me well!!)  As I've said they've been amazing and have not complained but just taken each day as it comes.  Brandon is already talking about saving his pocket money for his next trip which Rob is hinting may be a boys trip to Rwanda!  The kids have been trying out their Kinyarwand and the locals just love it. They love Janie especially when she says 'Maraho' which means hello but she's not so keen on the fact they want to hug her and put her on their knee etc (she doesn't even like it when I do that!!!)  But she is getting better each day.  Brandon being the affectionate boy he is just soaks it up and gives it right back!!!  Kristi has been an amazing help and frankly I don't know how we'd do it without her.  She's an amazingly mature girl with such wisdom and ability to just take over when I need help.  She'll pack the back when we're going out with all we need and when I run through the list of 'did you bring this, did you bring that' its a proud yes to each item.  We will have to reward her generously when we get back!  Feel  free to email Kristi or Brandon as they'd love to hear from you guys especially any kids or relatives.  You can just send them to me or for Kristi.  

Ok enough rambling from me.  Love to you all and if you so feel inclined you can call us on 250 05152302 thats the country code for Rwanda and our mobile number.

God bless
Kellie & Co.


Johann said...

Dear Vanderzaag's how good to hear the news of how you are all going. We continue to uphold you in prayer and for God;s continued wisdom and protection. Yes Adele and Andrew had their baby - a little boy on Wednesday morning (21st May) at 1.02am, he weighed in at 8 lbs 3 ozs and measured 51 cms - he is named Tyson Richard. He arrived in enough time for Adele to take her position as a bridesmaid in Kylie and David's wedding on Saturday - yes 3 days later!!! It was an awesome day. Rob Doedens is now in Uganda and we leave on Monday - hope to talk to you soon. Blessings - Johann, Kathy, Joel, Loren & Caleb

Ray Rus said...

Hi, can't believe you've been gone 10 days already!
What a thing, at the conference, to hear stories by real people. It must have been very disturbing and yet so necessary for you to become acquainted with their pain and grief. I imagine Rob will come back from the field trip with more....
Good to hear that you're making different contacts like the Reach group and Rebero.
Been praying a lot for you Kel. Am aware that it can be difficult doing the parenting while the other is away. Been praying Col 1:11, that you'd be invigorated and strengthened with all power, to exercise every kind of endurance and patience with joy.
Some good news. Ian B has received a permanent position at Waverley Christian School.
May God continually encourage your spirits and lead your days

glenda said...

Hi Kellie
we have prayed that you will not be touched by any disease.

You are an extremely amazing person and we (Blair and I) am in total awe of you and Rob. Blair is extremely keen to read your blog.

lots of love, Glenda